Brain vs Mind

The brain weighs only about 3 pounds, yet it contains about 12 billion cells, each of which is connected to 10,000 other cells, making 120 trillion connections called neural pathways. It generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world’s telephones put together. Yet it uses less energy than a refrigerator light.

Neural pathways

The brain and mind are words that can be used interchangeably and there is nothing wrong with that. A common understanding is that the brain is the physical matter while the mind is the superficial “invisible” component. However, there are certain behaviors we portray that shows that the mind and brain can be on two different pages.


Our brain doesn’t know the difference between truth and falsehood (I say this very loosely). We believe something based on frequency – how many times it is fed to the brain through the senses. Sometimes we convince ourselves that we know something for sure when in actual fact, we believe it because we kept hearing it while we were growing up. Don’t be too scared to doubt the things you thought you already know. It is a sure sign of intelligence. Think for yourself.

Our brain also rejects new information that is contradictory to the old info that has already established entire neural pathways. Remember our brain works like a machine. It uses the shortest pathway in the thinking process so as to save energy. So it makes sense that it rejects new contradictory info or cause you to “hate” what you don’t understand in order to save energy. Unlearning can cause a chemical change called chemical neuroplasticity, that is why we “hate” it so much.

Thus, something is true if it’s coherent with what we already know to be true, and something we already know to be true is what has registered in our brain because we kept hearing or seeing it. This is a very powerful yet dangerous understanding; we can be easily manipulated to believe anything to be true. We can also easily convince ourselves to believe anything to be true.


Our brain also doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. That’s why sometimes you think it’s actually happening till you wake up and it’s a dream. This explains why when you remember something, you feel the same emotions you felt back then. A horror movie is not real. Your mind knows but your brain doesn’t. Thus, your brain will release certain hormones – the exact same hormones it would release if it was really happening. Many have realized this and are using it in many ways. Monks can sit in a bowl of fire and not feel pain. Some even trick their brains into thinking they have exercised and the brain will build up the muscles as if they actually exercised.

In some sense, the brain tricks us every day without us sometimes realizing. Have you ever felt tired to perform a task until you actually did it and outdid yourself? Sometimes getting up from bed can feel so heavy till we actually get up. There is absolutely nothing we can’t do. It’s just that our brain is bound to protect us and keep us in survival mode. In fact, we can bite off our fingers as easily as we bite a carrot but your brain won’t allow it. Due to mirror neurons, our brain can also cause us to feel someone’s pain like it’s actually happening to us. That is why we gush out when we watch someone cut their finger while chopping carrots.

Our brain causes our body to react to whatever reality we create in our minds. This is the secret of the universe, and I have given it to you for free. What are you going to do with it? Convince yourself that you are a loser or create an entire reality of a conqueror and watch yourself manifest. You can literally do anything you put your mind to. Or you prefer to let your brain dictate your actions? The power is in your mind.

I love you

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