Communication is the transfer of information from one entity to another through a medium. What makes communication possible is understanding. This is usually why it needs a medium. We can be discussing (exchanging ideas) or conversing (receiving feedback from making inputs) without communicating. If I speak a language you don’t understand, you can reply every time I say a sentence but we are not communicating. The foundation for communication is understanding. This post is meant to communicate the systems God has put in place so you understand the feedback He gives you when you talk to Him. No more one-way street in your praying anymore. Amen?
The Medium
The only medium through which one can communicate with God is via God. God in the Old Testament was tremendously misunderstood by many generations. It took the coming of Jesus to reveal the Father to us. That’s what John 1 is about. Jesus is the Only Way we have a relationship with the Father. He is the Mediator, the medium. He is God and Man, revealing God to man and presenting man to God. The thoughts of God are higher than our thoughts but through the Mind of Christ, we are able to communicate the thoughts of God to ourselves and even to others. God is Spirit and only communicates via spirit. We being spiritually dead was a tremendous hindrance to our communication with God. It’s not that God was not conversing; we just didn’t understand because we were dead in that way. Now, because of God the Son, through God the Spirit, we communicate with God the Father. We have been invited into the communion of the GodHead.
The Model
The speakings of God is multi-dimensional. That means when God communicates one thing, He communicates that one thing in several ways. A lot of people seeking God cry out to Him for years, asking God what their purpose in life is. Jesus said He has a lot to tell us but we can’t contain it now. Thus, He uses a season as a preparation period to bring you to the place where you have the capacity to even do what He has purposed for you. There’s the knowing part and the doing part. Let me break it down;
How does God communicate His Will for us on a daily basis? He is a Lamp to our feet and a Light to our path. Sometimes He chooses to communicate it to us in a step-by-step manner, being a Lamp to our feet. You don’t know what He wants you to do in 10 years time but you know what He expects of you in this current season. Do you know Mary was not pre-informed that she was going to give birth to the Messiah? This has been God’s most important agenda but the woman who will give birth to Jesus did not know until 9 months prior. Other times, He chooses to Light your path. You get to know what is written in your books; when you are 50, 12 years from now, when your 3rd child is born, when a nation is 250 years etc. In both cases, you still walk step-by-step on that set path. God in His own Wisdom chooses which method to use and in which period to use it.
In the doing aspect, trust that although God had not given you all the details for you to know, He was still training you. Mary immediately gave in to be used by God to give birth to the Messiah. Although she didn’t know, God had trained her to bring her to the place where she will submit to God’s Will fully. Same goes for Joseph. God does not leave anything to chance. As long as you heed to every Word that comes out of the mouth of God, you are walking in the volume of the books written of you. You can know what to do and still not do it. If you got to know all the things you had to go through, this current version of you will give up today. Trust the Wisdom of God to draw you to a place where you are capable and willing to do what He wills for you.
The Method
As long as we are in this limited flesh, we can only see in part and know in part. However, we are dealing with a limitless God so He can be fully trusted. Never forget this; God has never done anything without pre-informing someone. Anyone who tunes into His frequency will pick up signals. He is ALWAYS communicating. Jesus told Nicodemus that if he doesn’t understand earthly things, how can he understand heavenly things? Do you get it? Since the bedrock of communication is understanding, God will only communicate what we can understand. God will only speak in vocabularies we understand. I thank God so much for the gift of tongues because hitherto there was such a huge barrier in communication and expression.
If God is always communicating, and communication is based on our level of understanding, then what are the signs? When Jesus was born, we see several communication methods God used for different groups. Mary encountered an angel and so did the shepherds. Joseph, just like the Old Testament Joseph, was reached through dreams. The wise men picked a sign from the stars. The birth of Jesus was thoroughly communicated to the whole world, yet people from afar picked the signal while those nearby may have missed it. Increase your capacity to communicate with God. Take your dreams seriously, and see how He begins to communicate frequently through your dreams. Take those promptings seriously. Don’t be ignoring your convictions and intuitions. God is communicating with you everyday. Are you listening?
The Meaning
The people of Israel understand the importance of signs. They know God doesn’t do anything without first communicating it. On Pentecost day, for instance, there was a sound from Heaven, a mighty windstorm and tongues of fire. The first question they asked was, “what does this mean?”. In other words, when did God in past times pre-inform us of what we are seeing? Peter got up and explained that it was from Joel 2:28. We Gentiles rather love wonders. Signs can be everyday occurrences. A sign that you shouldn’t go can be a car fault from nowhere. A sign that Balaam shouldn’t go is how his donkey is behaving. A wonder that he shouldn’t go is that the donkey began to talk.
There are signs littered everywhere. Perceive, receive and believe. Be open to the signs. The sign is as powerful as your ability to understand and communicate it. This Kingdom has no room for assumptions and guesswork. A baby you see in your dream can mean marriage. You don’t base it on your reasoning. Sometimes God communicates signs that are hard to understand so that He can draw us in to inquire. Rebekah felt her babies kicking a lot and inquired of the LORD, only to realise she had two nations in her womb. You have been seeing a lot of signs. Inquire! God is communicating with you everyday. Are you listening?
The Message
This is one of the reasons why the Bible is the most primary way of communicating with God. The Bible is complete. There is nothing major that will ever happen that hasn’t been already communicated in the Bible. All the signs till the end of the age, and even in the ages to come, have been revealed in Scripture. Tell me what God wants to do in the next season and I will show you a sign from Scripture. We love to see wonders. We want God to rain bananas to confirm that that guy is the one. Meanwhile, He has been communicating signs. He is using everyday things you can easily understand. God is communicating with you everyday. Are you listening?
So you see, our faith is not blind. We are not hoping that Christianity is true and all other religions are false. We are not hoping that our decision will be right. We are not hoping that there is an afterlife. We are not hoping that God is indeed real. No, that’s not where our hope lies. We are witnesses to these signs. It has been clearly communicated to us. It is not “blind” faith. Our faith is based on this solid truth. It is logical faith, for our faith is based on the Logos, the Word. Logos is a greek word from which we get the word “logic” from. Faith is the realest way of seeing. The message has been clearly communicated to us, and we fully believe it because the signs have been fully confirmed.