Was Jesus’ Death An Afterthought?

Once upon a time, there lived Adam and Eve in a beautiful fragrant Garden called Eden. Heaven on Earth. Then a serpent came by, and the rest was history. Man has fallen. Sin has entered into the heart of man. What will God do now? Wait thousands of years after to die on the Cross?

The Gospel is not that man fell and rose up again. The Gospel is that man mystically rose up even before He fell. For many generations, Evangelism has been approached from the Western view popularised by St. Augustine. To start from the fall of man and end at the Cross is not exactly wrong per se. It just doesnt tell the whole story. The Gospel is meant to make us happy, to make us laugh. It’s the Good News!

Why? Because it is the foolishness of God which insults every known wisdom of man. Using the Western view lens brings up questions like why did God allow Adam to sin? The Gospel is that man’s sins were paid for even before He sinned. And that was a better way of dealing with sin than stopping man from sinning.

The Gospel is a constant mockery of Sin, Death, Hell, Evil and the Grave. Because they thought they had the upper hand from day 1. But even before the foundations of the world..hallelujah!..God had everything under control. Psalm 2 is very prophetic. The kings of the earth talked about was Death, Evil and the Grave.

When they gathered for battle and thought they had won the possessions of the earth and overthrown God’s sovereignty, God was simply laughing uncontrollably at them in mockery at their futile efforts.

The Greek word for care is ” melo “. It means anticipating a person’s need and meeting it right now. When you care about someone, you anticipate a need tomorrow and meet it today.

Was His Death on the Cross an afterthought? No. Because that is not caring. His death was foreknown and predestined.

When God created man, He anticipated the fall of man, thus the lamb was slained before the foundations of the world. Hallelujah! Before you got into that situation, God had already made your way of escape (1 Cor 10:13).

In Romans 3:25‭-‬26, Paul talks about why God overlooked the sins of the people in the Old Testament. Because they were all mystically included in the Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
The likes of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, the nation of Israel, you name it.

Jesus paid for our sins even before Adam knew how to sin. This is why the Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ is called the Gospel, the Good News. The Gospel is that the lamb was slained before the foundations of the world, before man fell from glory. And with this knowledge, I can also emphatically laugh in ecstatic glory in tantalisation reaction to sin, death and the grave.

“Now death, where is your sting?” hahaha

I love you ❤

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  1. Pingback: Why Do The Gospels Have Different Accounts of the Resurrection?

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