How to Understand Women II: Dealing with their Double Standards

Sometimes, all we are looking for in a relationship is reciprocity. No wonder we feel it’s one-sided when it comes to some issues. Turns out, we are not the same and there’s no need to hold your partner to your standards. As a guy, here are 3 double standards you should be mindful of in order to keep your sanity. Enjoy!

1. Mood

Mood is like the holy grail of being feminine. Once you are able to crack the code, you will be crowned a god. That’s because females themselves don’t understand the complexity of their own mood. There are too many factors; both internal and external stimuli. But that’s not the point; girls don’t give a damn about the mood of guys. Any moody guy is shamed as feminine. She could get a slight mood change from a “loose” word you said. However, don’t forget this for the rest of your life – Don’t you DARE do to her what she does unto you. As a guy, you will be trying to argue your side of the story from a logical perspective but she doesn’t care. It’s the emotional predicament that she is concerned about.

She will seldom apologize for what she says but she expects you to, at least, feel remorseful for saying something random that changed her mood. When a girl is moody, as a guy you would notice. Drop everything and try to lighten her mood. Otherwise, you are probably going to say or do something dumb that will cause her to blame you for all her afflictions lol.

2. Listen

“We need to talk”, she says. So scary, huh? She’s about to let you guys have a talk on all the petty annoying things she has been having to deal with from you. However, you can never pull that off as a guy. You can’t have “the talk”. At least, not as often as she has hers. She is going to complain about your attitude and how you treat her occasionally but once you begin to complain too much about how she treats you, her mood will change again and she will turn it back on you. Now, you have to apologize for making her mad

They say men are the leaders of the home but every man knows it’s the woman. Every decision made is based on her preferences, not you as the guy. I’m not lying. Think of any scenario. If she doesn’t like it, we are not having it. If she’s not in the mood, we are not going. If you keep disobeying, her emotional connection towards you will keep dying. She would always want you to take her advice (which is purely based on how she feels by the way) but she will choose to take or neglect your advice based on her mood.

3. Finance

Due to societal norms, a problem has arisen. The average lady today doesn’t want to be subjected to how society treated women of old; housewife, second-class citizen, belongs to the kitchen. That notwithstanding, they still want enjoy the privileges of the women of old. So what do we find; his money is our money and her money is her money. Know this and know peace. There are a few percentage of women out there who won’t make this a big deal. It all depends on how she was brought up.

However, you dare not take advantage of those few rare women. Yeah, she has money but who doesn’t like being taken care of. As a man, it adds to your ego if you are able to take care of your woman. It’s an inherent almost-instinctive nature. The problem lies with the rest of the entitled bitches who think you are supposed to spend your money on her and never vice versa because she’s the one with the vagina. Let me end here and not eat into next week’s post.

I know there are many double standards women pull on men. Obviously, there are also several double standards society holds women accountable for. I wish I had more time to elaborate. I want to hear from you by the way. As a guy, what are other double standards you can think of? As a girl, do you agree to the aforementioned double standards? Please comment below!

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