My first-ever book is set to be released on the 1st of May. It will primarily be available on my website and the link will be released on said date. I am also working on making it available on Amazon and even publishing it. I had wanted to make it free but who cherishes free things in our world today? It goes for only $1.00 worldwide.
The book is so good and I have to sit down and read it as if I’m not the one who wrote it. I wrote the book in the secret place and I can tell you for a fact that I didn’t know 50% of what I wrote before I actually typed them. The book already has a part 2 being prepared for later this year because the Holy Spirit wanted me to add the Love Covenant, a mystery from a well I have not even made time to assimilate. I know for sure that the final hardcopy of this book in future will have 3 ebooks released at different times.
The reason why I’m not pausing until the final hardcopy is made manifest is because truly, the well does not run dry. I can write every day for a year and still have fresh water from the river that flows from my belly. This is a kind of book you shouldn’t be in a hurry to finish reading. Like how I have been designed to write, I don’t write the “final words” for your understanding. I only scratch the surface, making very deep sentences that need meditation and drawing from the Holy Spirit to ascertain. I don’t explain everything into details. What I want to do is draw the reader into the Word so the Holy Spirit can take them on an adventure based on the revelation given.
Thus, I am not preparing a full meal. I am only given you the ingredients so you also cook with the chef. Otherwise, it just becomes garbage in, garbage out. It is not information. It is revelation that leads to transformation. It’s not meant to be “chewed and poured”. You are a participant, a partaker in the meal God wants to serve you. It, of course, doesn’t replace the Bible. It is fully based on Scripture as the Spirit kept bringing to memory the puzzle pieces in the Word. It will dramatically change your life, how you see God and how you see yourself. It will put a tremendous understanding in your spirit. People will hear you speak these mysteries and know you have the Spirit of Wisdom.
Although it is not a how-to book, act on the Word in the book. Knowing so much about the secret place and not going there produces religion. Revelation that does not lead to transformation becomes information that leads to religion. That’s it! I can’t wait for 1st May too.
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Can’t wait for it to release. So much proud of you