Doctrinal Strategies of the Kingdom of Darkness

Last week, we talked about the 3D (Deception, Delusion, Destruction) Ministry of the Devil. That’s where we got to realise that the devil prefers to employ former believers than people who have never been saved. Why is it so? Let’s delve right in and break down some strategies involved.

The Effectiveness

The thief can block sheep who haven’t found their way into God’s flock yet. We are all aware and fully understand that the devil works hard so that unbelievers don’t get saved. However, when they do get saved, we forget that there is a change of plan now. Sometimes a demon is willing to leave a person for a moment, knowing that they will come back to meet the place swept. Such a person will then be possessed by demons seven times more wicked. “If people have escaped from the corrupting forces of the world through their knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then are again caught and conquered by them, such people are in worse condition at the end than they were at the beginning.” (2 Peter 2:20).

Remember that Lucifer used to be part of God’s flock. Therefore, he prefers those who have been in the flock before so that such a person can exhibit the fullness of the stature of the devil. The devil’s end goal is to duplicate himself in them. He disguises himself as an angel of light and so do his disciples. This clearly means there are certain satanic ranks one cannot attain unless one penetrates the church, gains a certain political position in the church, reads the Bible everyday and acts “righteous” in public. In fact, to qualify as a false teacher, the person should have once been purchased by the blood (2 Peter 2:1).

Imagine working with your favourite employee for years and then the person is grabbed by a bigger corporation without your ability to stop it. So instead of the devil investing in unbelievers, he chooses to steal believers. Why? “For how can those who abandon their faith be brought back to repent again? They were once in God’s light; they tasted heaven’s gift and received their share of the Holy Spirit; they knew from experience that God’s word is good, and they had felt the powers of the coming age. And then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again, because they are again crucifying the Son of God and exposing him to public shame.” (Hebrews 6:4-6).

It is a big part of the Two Birds, One Stone Strategy. Many unbelievers don’t want to be Christians, not because of Christ, but because of Christians. In fact, in our world today, the word “Christian” does not carry any weight. The strategy is to create a dilution. There are so many false prophets so people don’t trust the true prophets anymore. In our minds, they are all alike. That’s exactly what the devil wanted to achieve. “Every pastor wants to extort money from members. That’s why I don’t go to church.” “Christians of today are always praying but we don’t see their use”. You and I have heard this time and again. “Even so, many will follow their immoral ways; and because of what they do, others will speak evil of the Way of truth (2 Peter 2:2). The dilution leads to desecration and gradually to the abomination of desolation.

Now that you realise that you (a believer of Jesus Christ, purchased by the blood of Jesus and having tasted the goodness of God) are a good target for the kingdom of darkness. He comes to steal, kill and destroy but he needs you more alive than dead. You also realise why he wanted to steal the body of Moses. At this point, if any false teacher comes to tell you that you cannot lose your salvation, you know it’s a big lie from the pit of hell. Not all of them know they are working for the devil. Some genuinely serve the devil’s course because they have become delusional.

Our Chief High Priest, Jesus Christ, came into the world and the high priest of Israel could not recognise him. Do you know how shocking this is? It’s like saying an ambassador cannot recognise his own president; the very person he is representing to another country. You now also realise why the Bible says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling. In fact, the Bible commands us to fight the good fight and hold tightly eternal life. “Hold tightly” means you can lose it. What are some strategies that can make one eventually lose grip of eternal life?

Alexander & Hymanueus Strategy

This strategy is not so you check who is false and who is not. It is meant for you to identify the wiles of the devil so you dodge them. Alexander and Hymanueus were very new to the faith. Desiring to be teachers, they began to read the Bible and teach some weird things from it which brought a lot of disputes and controversies. See, most of the new doctrines the devil will introduce will have Bible verses to support it. Paul made us understand that “the law is good if one uses it lawfully”. He also makes us realise that the law does not contradict the Gospel. It rather correlates with it. It exposes the human condition and is “according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God”. What’s the catch?

It’s not enough to desire a position in the church. You must first of all be tested.” These men must first be tested; then if they are found to be blameless and beyond reproach [in their Christian lives], let them serve as deacons (1 Tim 3:10). God does not choose anyone without first testing them. If you skip processes, you will find yourself employed by the devil without even noticing. You can’t tell me your spiritual father is someone you listen to online. Someone who doesn’t know you exist? And you want to work in God’s vineyard? You’ll fall into error, no doubt. Also, any teaching that does not lead to godly edification but to disputes on fables, genealogies or even grammar is simply contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim 1:4). This strategy gets those who rush to take certain platforms God has not given them yet.

Balaam Strategy

This strategy gets those who love money. Yes, it is wrong to love money. No matter what, never have a release clause. Football fans understand the term. There shouldn’t be an amount that makes you change your convictions. No amount whatsoever should even make you rethink any decision God has asked you to make. The funny thing is, you can say all you want but this strategy has gotten a lot of people. They thought they would say no until they saw the amount before their very eyes. “Just don’t say the word Jesus and we will triple this amount”.

I have already written extensively on the teaching of Balaam, where, because of money, Balaam thought Balak how he can get God Himself to curse the Israelites. “For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10). That is why it’s part of the job description of both overseers and deacons that they don’t love money (1 Tim 3:3,8). If you surrender yourself to God’s process, He will test you with both lack and prosperity. There will be times He will open a financial door and then tell you to give all the money to someone else. How is this related to doctrine? Haha! It will affect your doctrine when you fail to pass the tests. You will teach others how to fail God like Balaam taught.

Jannes and Jambres Strategy

This strategy is the apex of the Egyptian world system in terms of doctrine. There is Egypt and then there is Babylon too. This strategy has yet to be fully used by the devil this endtime. It can easily cause the great divide. A lot of Christian don’t know how to identify God and it’s heartbreaking. I pray God has mercy on us and equip us before this strategy is released. These were the magicians who could copy Moses’ miracles in Exodus 7 and 8. This strategy is so people can’t identify which is God and which is the devil. Some people will say it’s all the devil since they turned into snakes. Very few will stay around to see Moses’ snake swallow the other snakes.

God said He will perform miracles that haven’t been seen in Egypt and these people were able to replicate four of them? Wow, Lord save us please 🙏. The devil released this strategy in the 1st century church when the Bible was being put together. In a few years, Christians are going to realise 30+ other Gospel accounts (written by the devil, of course) pretending to be Scripture. Many other false Bibles will be released to make the Scriptures look “man-made”. A lot of replicated Christ will also be released. Not false Christs who came after Christ o. That’s easy. False Christs who came before Christ. They also claim to be born of a virgin, miracle workers, from above and all the attributes that make Christ special. This will shake many. There are 7 things that make Christianity outstanding and all the 7 (including the Blood of Jesus) will be replicated in active opposition to the truth.

The only way to survive Egypt is to come out of it. Close it. Never read those books. Never listen to Jannes and Jambres. Avoid extra-biblical Christianity. Curiosity kills the cat. Hold the mystery of faith with a good conscience as 1 Timothy 3:9 says. Be rooted deep in the Word. Be immovable, unshakable, steadfast. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God, please seek Him now that He can be found. Seek Him, hold Him and never let go. Don’t look back. This “let’s be cool with everyone” Christianity is soon coming to an end. This “I don’t want trouble” Christianity is coming to an end. Something is coming, dear reader. Let us hold tightly to eternal life. Selah!

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