Indoctrination System Strategies of the Kingdom of Darkness II

We started the Doctrinal Strategies last week. This week, it has been laid upon my heart to continue rather than talk on the Welfare Strategies. These strategies, although not exhaustive, have exposed the kingdom of the darkness to the core. “We are not ignorant of his devices”, 2 Corinthians 2:11 says. The word “devices” used there is “noÄ“ma in Greek, meaning a mind that is scheming, crafting, clever. An intellectual disposition, if you will. If you thought the devil is just randomising his activities, I’m here to tell you it’s not so. The kingdom of darkness is an intelligent system that sits down to craft how to counterfeit everything God has done. “A kingdom divided among itself cannot stand”. As long as this kingdom is standing, it’s not divided among itself. It’s not haphazard. It is strategic!

Another point worth noting is that you realise all the revelation here is from the Bible. It is not from occult books, satanic writings or diabolical movies. It is wrong and evil and absurd to seek information from the kingdom of darkness, even if you have a good motive. “Oh, I just want to find out from my occult friend what they are up to so that I pray in that direction against it”. The devil is crafty, remember? This is why it is unhealthy to always be listening to people who used to be in satanic rituals and occults and have now come into Christ. Some of them are the craftiness of the evil one to spread evil spirits of fear and deceit to their watchers. Never take your source of information from the devil. Period!

This is why Jesus never allowed evil spirits to speak. My friend, cast the devil out. Why do you want to listen to what a demon has to say? Even if what they were saying is true, Jesus didn’t want a demon to be the one introducing Him to others. It’s only a matter of time until they add some lies to the truth. The reason why this is important to know is because the enemy puts a lot of effort into indoctrination. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you’re a mature believer; if you keep listening to false teachings, doctrines of demons and reading occultic books, you will fall so heavy into error without knowing. Eve’s biggest mistake was entertaining a conversation with the devil in the first place. What at all do you want to hear from the devil? You can’t be looking for truth from the father of lies.

Jezebel Strategy

One of the Welfare Strategies of the Kingdom of Darkness is tolerance. Tolerance seems like a good thing to do, right? Among the first perpetrators of evil are those who remained silent when it started. How did the USA become a nation so full of sexual perversion and abomination? 50 years ago, it was against the law in the USA to be a fornicator, how much more an adulterer, homosexual and transgender. In fact, the WHO clearly stated that all those sexual perversions were classified under mental disorder. Today, they are fighting for the right to abort babies. Wow! How did they get there? It’s simple! The devil hasn’t changed any strategies he has used before. It has happened in several empires in the past and will happen in any nation that succumbs. One word: tolerance. This strategy is planned in generations and decades because it takes time to condition the belief system of a society.

First, they demand tolerance. “Oh making homosexuality legal does not mean we are promoting it o. All we are saying is, they are humans like us too.” Have you heard of this one; “Everyone should be free to be what they want, regardless of their race, colour or sexual preference”. Then the media begins to condition the masses with movies, songs, celebrity talks and articles. When a society tolerates them for long, the next generation after them can easily accept it. From tolerable to acceptable. From “I don’t have a problem with it” to “stop judging them”. Once they are fully endorsed into societal norms, they now demand participation. In the US today, you can now lose your job if you don’t show acceptance and/or support for homosexuals. Jezebel now takes over. It starts with tolerance. Then, they plead for acceptance. After, they demand participation. Something that started from the Free Love movement is now headed straight towards the endorsement of beastiality and pedophilia.

Nicolaitans Strategy

There’s a kind of Christianity I hate. I recently realised it resulted from the effect of the Nicolaitans Strategy. See, if you want to live a worldly lifestyle, go back to the world. What is this mixture of Christianity and worldliness?? A syncretic lifestyle. Syncretism is so strong in the African church. We just mixed God with our traditional beliefs. The Supreme Being in the African Traditional Religion is not God the Father. It’s the devil. How can God be the Supreme Being of those demonic altars? Remember the Ishmael Strategy too! If you want to worship idols, go and worship them. Don’t come and mix it with worshipping Christ. Instead of completely letting go when the Gospel was preached to us, we took the Gospel and fused it into our belief system. We put new wine in an old wineskin.

The Nicolaitans were people who were indoctrinated by Nicolas of Antioch, a man ordained as an elder in Acts 6:5. The Bible says he was a proselyte. That means he was not born a Jew but had converted from paganism to Judaism. Then he converted again from Judaism to Christianity. The “denomination” he set up at the time of the Early Church became a syncretic religion. He taught a doctrine of compromise where he mixed up occult paganism, Judaism and Christianity, intermingling these belief systems in various concoctions. It was evident in the deeds of his followers. Making common a holy thing, casting pearls before swine, professing Christ but living as a sinner. This strategy works when we listen to Jezebel and think it is okay to eat food offered to idols and still profess Christ.

See, if Christ came to die so we can sin freely, why did He need to die in the first place? Couldn’t God have allowed us to sin freely without Him having to die on the Cross? Don’t let the devil deceive you o. This form of Christianity where we respect the curses of smaller gods than the blessings of the Most High God must die. It took indoctrination to get us into that mud. It will take indoctrination to make us realise the Holiness of God. God is the only God who requires that we serve Him only. Indoctrination in the Kingdom of God is important to God as it is captured in the Great Commission; “teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you”.

“the deep secrets” Strategy

Gone are the days when occults used to hide. Now, we all know one or two famous people who have come out as occults. They tell us that the occult is not as horrendous as we think it is. They study, strategize on how society can improve and ensure that one is living to one’s best possible self. Have you seen the Jezebel Strategy at work? They are sanitising the public to fuse these ideologies into their already existing belief system (Nicolaitans Strategy) until they introduce this; the deep secrets. In Deuteronomy 29:29, we get to know that the secret things belong to God. It’s only the things He has chosen to reveal that belongs to us. Not every secret is profitable to us now. God only reveals what we ought to know at set times and these revelations pertain to our glory, purpose and godliness. In this age, there is no new revelation that surpasses the Cross of Christ. Kindly take note.

The devil, however, is the biggest talkative. There are a lot of things we see in the Bible that we don’t have full understanding of. The Spirit of God chooses to reveal what He chooses to reveal. We cannot know beyond what He does not choose to reveal. In fact, every detail in the Bible is specifically articulated towards the path of revelation relevant to our current journey in God. What the Bible does not reveal or detail is a clear sign that we don’t need to know about it (at least, for now). For instance, how God created the Heavens, how darkness already existed in Genesis 1:2, what happened in the age(s) before this age etc. These are the kind of things people learn at the occult. It sounds so crafty, clever. A curated mixture of mysteries, philosophies, lies and nonsense. A society that tolerates Jezebel and succumbs to Nicolaitans will be swayed by such progressive ideologies.

How? Because the devil is a lot older than us and was once in Heaven, he knows and saw some things we don’t know yet. Like the fiery stones he used to pass through when he was in Heaven and all. All these encompass the deep secrets of Satan. It also includes the Jannes and Jambres Strategy where the devil now wants to be the one to explain the “potholes” in the Bible. Once you see a generation that begins to study Witchcraft as a science, you know this strategy has worked. Once the Nicolaitans Strategy makes the Word of God of null effect, the deep secrets are introduced into the education system of the society until all they now care about is extra-Biblical knowledge. This has been the fall of many famous universities that were once built on Christian doctrine and beliefs. If you think we are far from this, think again. Most information out there are New Age, Buddhistic philosophical teachings; do what you feel is right, follow your heart; these energy, vibration, aura, the universe, positive thinking, mantra, mindfulness meditation, you are god nonsense.

Don’t be indoctrinated. Let all your wisdom and knowledge be sourced from the Spirit of God and the Word of God. The Spirit of the Word is the Word of the Spirit. The Spirit of God will never contradict the Word of God. All what we study in Science and Mathematics from Sir Isaac Newton and co; go and check…they got it from the Spirit of God. It was a Reverend Father who proposed the Big Bang theory. Thomas Edison and co…most of our inventors and scientists of the ancient past had a relationship with God and had dreams and visions of their discoveries and inventions. Don’t ever think the devil or the world system has anything to teach you. God is a scientist. Read only Spirit-filled, Bible-based information. Don’t be indoctrinated by demons. Remember that the commendation from Christ was that we didn’t learn the so-called deep secrets. Let us stick to the Wisdom of God, which will remain foolishness to mere men. Selah!

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