Government Systems
Democracy is the best possible government system ever created by man. Why? Because when bad is voted into power, they will not rule forever. However, evil finds a way to maintain its rulership perpetually over the people. Of course, spiritual ordinances override physical procedures. That means if the people are being ruled spiritually by an evil force, they will continue to be ruled by evil although they keep voting for a new person every election year.
All the same, it’s the best possible system humans could come up with. In a monarchy, an evil person as a king needs to be overthrown. If he isn’t, evil will rule throughout his lifetime. With democracy, however, evil as a person can be voted out, but evil as a system cannot be rooted out using votes. This is because evil as a system will always present two evils for the people to choose their lesser evil. Mind you, the tree of death has two main options; a Godless good option and an evil option. That’s why it is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, whether you choose that kind of good like Eve did, or blatantly choose evil, you have chosen death.
The political system of God is called theocracy. Theocracy is just a theological word; Jesus called this rulership the Kingdom of God. I named this write-up the Political System of the Kingdom of God for lack of better ways of phrasing it. If you remember the prophecy given to Daniel, the devil and evil men (as also prophesied in Psalm 2), have collaborated to establish various evil political systems; Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Their precedence is Babel and Egypt. In these 6 main political systems of evil that ruled their known world, we saw how evil quickly spread to affect most people.
These 6 are not my focus; I would have talked about their main manipulation strategies on the hearts of men. Babylon the Great is the encapsulation of all the political systems of evil the devil has ever established, and they are making great waves this last days. However, just like in Daniel’s vision, a stone came and hit the statue and collapsed all these kingdoms. The stone grew into a mountain, the mountain of the Lord. There is a way God rules in the affairs of men, and the system He has put in place for the kingdoms of this world to eventually become the kingdom of our God. Evil will not prevail forever. None of the systems of evil are eternal. God has only used this as an avenue for us to behold and be amazed by His eternality and glory. Revelation 17:17 says so.
How Elections are Made
In God’s system, He is the determiner of all, including good. This is His Kingdom, therefore His Righteousness rules. The Righteousness of God in expression is His way of being and doing right. He is the determiner of what is good and right (that means nothing is good in itself. It is only good because God declares it so). His election of anyone are predestined according to His purposes. The offices in this Kingdom are eternal. That means when you are elected by God into an office, you rule with Him forever. You were not voted in so you cannot be voted out.
What do you do to be elected by God? His elections rest on His Grace and Mercy. There is nothing you can do to deserve that. However, once you are elected, you ought to live worthy of your calling and walk in the good works predestined for you. To shame the wisdom of the world, God elects those who are the most undeserved. There are 24 elders who rule with God among the angels. The “24 elders of men” are the 12 sons of Jacob and the 12 apostles. None of these men did anything to deserve their election. However, anyone God calls ought to live according to God’s expectations and be found faithful, so that God is justified in choosing them.
If you don’t understand, remember when James and John came to ask Jesus that they want to sit on the right and left of Jesus in the place of honour? They were called by the Father to sit with Him. However, to be chosen by the Father, they had to be prepared by the Father. It takes grace to be called but you need to be tested in order to be chosen. This is why many are called but few are chosen; because many of the called are not found blameless and faithful after being tested. God’s choice of you must be both gracious and just.
How Ruling is Done
In the system of the world, the leaders lord over the people. In the pyramid of rulership, those at the top are served. However, it is the opposite in the Kingdom. It is an upside down Kingdom to the world but in essence, it is the right side up Kingdom. A leader is a servant in the Kingdom. The highest amongst us is the meekest. The way up is going down, for anyone who lifts himself up will be brought down. Believe me, Jesus took His time to teach His disciples this.
We are called to servant-leadership. We are not kings who are served. We are kings that serve. We don’t lose our servitude when we become kings or friends of God. Who was the leader after Jesus ascended? Wrong, it’s not Peter. It was the 12. How can 12 people rule together? Because there is one Lord. Peter did not count himself as better or higher than the rest of the apostles, although he was the most outspoken. In Acts 8:14, the 12 could choose to send Peter and he went.
Jesus is the first person to use the word “apostles” in Scriptures. He “borrowed” this secular word at the time which meant a king sending his troops on a specific mission; colonizing a territory and transforming it to be just like the territory they had been sent from. We are cultural catalysts, transforming conformed people. We are the light of the world, helping to translate people from darkness into His marvelous light. We are a peculiar people, a holy nation. We are not affected; we affect. We are the Kingdom of God on mobile feet, having been given all authority and power. Until the average Christian understands this, they will live life as victims instead of victors.
Can An Elect be Replaced?
Can an elect be replaced in this Kingdom? If you are not bearing fruit, the vinedresser has every right to cut your branch off. If God asks a man to do something, it is a privilege. If the man does it, how wonderful. If the man doesn’t, how terrible. God used Moses to rescue the people out of Egypt but God, throughout Scriptures, kept saying He is the one who rescued them. If God could do it without Moses, why did wait for Moses for 40 years to be prepared? It’s not that He needed Moses; He just wanted Moses to partake in His purposes. What if Moses never went? Remember Mordecai’s advice; Moses will be destroyed but the people of God will still be rescued from Egypt.
If you are in a position where God is using you, don’t ever think you have attained sovereignty. Never think God cannot do without you. Who are you? God’s ultimate Will still stands, regardless of whether we fail Him or abort our God-given mission. No man or devil has the power to stop God from establishing His Will. You are the only person who can do what God has called you to do. He is not willing to replace you in any way. However, if you try to stop Him or fail Him, you only take yourself out. In the establishment of the Will of God, God doesn’t need you. You need God.
Prophets, Kings and Priests
In the Old Testament, we see the government of God in these 3 areas. The king acted like the executive body of government while the priests handled the legislative hand. The prophet, who updated the Bible on God’s judgements, was like the judiciary. I’m only making these comparisons for understanding sake. In reality, prophets, kings and priests went far beyond the executive, legislature and judiciary. In the times of the Judges, judges like Eli and Samuel were all 3 at the same time, making them models of New Testament realities.
How were kings established? By the hand of a prophet and a priest. In some cases like Samuel, he was both prophet and priest. However, it took Prophet Nathan and Zadok the priest to anoint Solomon as king. How were priests established? By bloodline. A priest had to be of the lineage of Levi, and his clan predetermined what faction of priest he would be. That means being a priest was for a lifetime, and you serviced the altar until you died. A king had the power to unmake someone a priest. The prophets were handpicked by God, and another prophet could choose someone as a prophet when commanded by God.
In the New Testament, we are all called to be kings and priests unto God. There are 5 offices, who are gifts to the body of Christ, to help mature the body into a full and complete stature of Christ; apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Not all believers are called to minister to the body via these offices but we are all called to maturity as kings and priests. This fivefold, like Christ, are servant-leaders. Before we can manifest kingship, we ought to be first priests. We are a royal priesthood. God Himself rules from His Throne in Heaven serviced by His Altar. It is this same altar that will compel all things to come under the feet of Christ at the end of this age.
Jesus is not a President. He is King of kings. He is the King of us who are kings and rule with Him. When He sat in the Right Hand of the Father, we sat with Him because we are One with Him. It is by operating from Heaven towards earth that we partake in establishing the Will of God on earth as it is in Heaven. This is the Kingdom of God! The system of the Kingdom of God is such that Christ, the author, made little Christ of His disciples who in turn makes disciples of the world, until all who receive Christ became Christ-like. The system is so fail-proof and sure as the Blood sets anyone who believes free from the imprisonment of the world system, the Water (of the Word) transformed the conformed and the Spirit develops such a person into the full stature of Christ.
Next week, we will talk about the family system of God
Amen🙏🙏🙏. God bless you
Thanks for the impactation message 😊
Very enlightening Sir