There will always be more questions than answers. Certain questions do not need answers, because our answers are a failed attempt to express the inexpressible. Not everything needs to be explained; some simply need to be experienced.
It is better to have unanswerable questions than to have unquestionable answers. Unanswerable questions lead us to wonder and curiosity. Unquestionable answers, however, usually have an underlying superstition and are a cover-up of ignorance.
There are 4 types of knowledge; what you know that you know, what you know that you don’t know, what you don’t know that you know and what you don’t know that you don’t know. You know what you know but if you stop learning, you will not know what you know anymore. Proverbs 19:27 says “My child, when you stop learning, you will soon neglect what you already know”. If you stop seeking, you will not know what to know anymore. Everything will confuse you. You will move through life not knowing anymore, swayed by any strong wind.
How to Not Know What You Know that You Don’t Know
If you are proud, you will never know what you don’t know. You will think that you know, and you will miss opportunities to know what you don’t know. When you speak, you say what you already know. When you listen, you learn something new. Unfortunately, pride keeps one to oneself, making one refuse to listen, understand another person and agree to disagree; thus missing opportunities to learn and grow.
How to Know What You Don’t Know that You Know
If you’re not intuitive, you won’t get the opportunity to know what you already know. Deep within us is an eternal knowledge base. Great thinkers like Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla got in touch with this reality. To know what you didn’t know that you knew, think from your heart and not your mind. If you’re humble, you’re probably wiser than you think you are. Use your discretion. 1 John 2:20 says “you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things”.
This is how prophets prophesy. They didn’t know that they knew what they said a few moments before they said it. However, know for sure that you’re not always right. That’s why you need to practice and build your capacity. Hebrews 5:14 says this is for people “who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern…”. Once you train yourself to discern knowledge from your own thoughts and knowledge from God’s thoughts, it is simple to give a word of knowledge.
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
Know for sure that not all questions need answers. Some need acknowledgement of a lack of capacity to fully understand. Unanswerable questions make us acknowledge our knowledge of ignorance; knowing that we don’t know. Knowing that we don’t know humbles us enough to want to know more. Unquestionable answers often bar us from further inquiries, deeper experiences and tasting to see for ourselves.
That notwithstanding, we even lack the capacity to not know that we don’t know in some matters. It’s a fact. You don’t know what you don’t know. Have you been in an exam and had absolutely no clue what the answer to a question was? In fact, you just want to write something wrong there but even with that, your mind is blank. If they left you there for 10 years, you still wouldn’t know the answer.
It’s confusing that deep within us we know all things yet we lack simple knowledge when it comes to certain matters. I personally think this is to keep us from overcomplicating our lives and priding ourselves in what we know. Pride is the biggest impediment to knowledge. Once you’re your own source of knowledge, you seize to be a learner. The knowledge of not knowing that you don’t know ought to make you a seeker of knowledge within and without.
Don’t just answer questions. Question answers. History wasn’t written by nature. Coincidences have significance. It’s not always about knowing the differences between similarities but finding the similarities between two seemingly dissimilar concepts. Yes, you may know the difference between jealousy and envy but do you know there are similarities between truth and love, logic and emotions, and justice and mercy? There are hidden correlations everywhere.
It’s funny how we know much but sometimes we feel we’ve known enough. The day you think you know is the day you stop learning, searching and seeking. Knowledge is a treasure. It hides from the simpleton. That’s why common sense is uncommon to common people. If you’re always quick to regurgitate what you already know, you don’t discover anything new on your own.
Before you assume, ask. Before you answer, question. Sometimes what we think we know stops us from finding out what we ought to know. Answers don’t come to those who guess, it comes to those who search. And though we can never know all there is to know about any particular thing, it shouldn’t stop the curiosity in us from digging deeper. Paul said it this way, “Yes, may you come to know…—although it can never be fully known…”.
I love you ❤️
That was so interesting 😁✅
Well said…
Good piece
Very thoughtful
Nice one there🤝